I have been in love with furniture upcycled from old plane parts for a while now. I found this turbine wheel from an old airplane online and decided to buy it in order to build my own coffee table out of it. The top side of the turbine fan has a thread in it that was impossible to measure directly since no equipment was small enough to fit inside. In order to measure the thread used a piece of styrodur that I formed on turning lathe. I screwed the styrodur into the thread and measured the negative. It's an M30x1.5.

The turbine wheel is beautiful. The center is made from stainless steel and the fans are made from brass.

On the bottom of the wheel you can see that the wheel has been factory balanced by removal of small amounts of metal along the inside of the outer enclosing.

In order to test out different designs Fusion 360 was used. This is the final design for the three tables.

After a while in hibernation the project was picked up again. First step: Make a M30x1.5 thread onto the 50mm aluminium rod.

A clear warning for people like me... Ignored by me...

The final m30x1.5 thread in the aluminium rod turned out great, considering the fact, that the lathe was manually operated and not a CNC lathe.

The project finally almost finished, missing only the final touches.

The final Turbine Table conveniently placed next to a designer chair making both of these items look great. Three Turbine Tables were made. Two with golden fan blades and one with silver fan blades. Two are for sale.