Contrast is a color picker app for MacOS intended to help colorblind people to get a better perception of what is going on on the screen. Due to the use of the HSL (Hue-Saturation-Lightness) color spectrum and its corresponding visualization within the color picker colorblind people can perceive the underlying color in a glimpse.
The point on the circle represents the hue, while the point in the triangle gives information about the saturation and the lightness.
The color picker allows the user to screen every pixel on the display and copy the pixel to the clipboard. Meanwhile the ColorMeter is constantly updated to show the HSL values of the current pixel.
The user is able to increase the color picker center in order to measure more than one pixel. An average is calculated over all the pixel in the current picker window.
The window can also be resized to accommodate the users preferences.
The user can also zoom in and out for a broader overview.